is the only official distributor of on-demand manuals for Sony products.
To find your manual, please use the model number found on your product. If you do not know your model number, please use the "Where do I find my model number" page.
***IMPORTANT - Be sure to select the correct manual for your product. Though some products may have similar product numbers, their manuals are NOT the same. ***
Not all product manuals are available as hard copies for purchase. If your manual is unavailable, please check Sony's Support Site for a downloadable version.
Most on-demand products are printed in 3-5 business days. If you selected a shipping service with tracking information, we will provide you with that information as soon as your order has shipped.
***IMPORTANT - Please be aware that extreme circumstances may cause a small delay in the processing or fulfillment of your order. Please visit our Contact Us page to request more information in the event of a major delay. ***
Please see our Terms and Conditions to view our policies.
We do provide international shipping to customers in Canada. Unfortunately, the wait times for these products may be significantly longer than our domestic shipments.
Please visit our Contact Us page to submit a request to one of our customer service representatives, or send an email directly to